Palace Warsaw
Polostour > Tours > Warsaw > Palace Warsaw

Warsaw is not only the Old Town, but also the beautiful royal residences, two of which you will visit on this tour – the Royal Lazienki and the palace in Wilanów. In both residences you will get acquainted with valuable works of art and be transported back to the time of the reign of Polish kings, as well as enjoy a walk along the lake and in the park with peacocks.

What to expect

Royal Lazienki is the happiest place in Warsaw
That’s what they say about this picturesque palace and park complex. The summer residence Royal Łazienki was conceived and realized by the last king of Poland, Stanislaw August Poniatowski. Exploring the ensemble of the park will deepen your knowledge of the ideas of the Enlightenment. By the lake you will see the classicist palace and inside you will walk through the Royal Picture Gallery. In the old greenhouse you’ll see copies of ancient sculptures, and in the Myszlewicz Palace you’ll see polychromy by Polish artist Jan Bogumil Plersz. On the lakeside, see the Roman Amphitheater, where boats were used during performances. Finally, in Lazienki you will enjoy the harmony of architecture and nature: the program includes a walk through the park, where you can meet peacocks and bright tangerines.

Wilanow: Polish Baroque and a love story
In the residence of the Polish king Jan III Sobieski, we will talk about his glorious victory at the Battle of Vienna and his love for the queen, affectionately known in Poland as Marysenka. The palace was not damaged during World War II and has been preserved in pristine condition, giving you the opportunity to admire the Polish Baroque. In the local museum you will get acquainted with the historical collection of art collected by Count Stanislaw Kostka Potocki.

Organizational details
– The tour starts at your hotel and ends at a location convenient to you
– Transportation costs are included in the price of the excursion
– Tickets to the palaces are extra:
Palace in Wilanów ~ 5.50 € (free admission on Thursday) closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays,
Palace in Royal Łazienki ~ 8.50 € (free on Friday) closed on Mondays.
The palace in Wilanów is closed to visitors from December 20 to January 6 (the Park of Light in Wilanów will be open)

Meeting place
The meeting point is by agreement with the guide, you can discuss it when booking the tour.

  • Destination:Warsaw
  • PRICE :




