Become A Tour Guide

Polostour > Become A Tour Guide

Become a Polostour guide

Polostour is a service of unusual excursions from locals. Become part of a large community of guides, share your experience, meet interesting people and earn income doing what you love!

Who can become a guide

We work with both professional guides and amateurs who love the city and want to give tours.

To become a Polostour guide, you need to know your city well and love it. It is also important to be able to share your knowledge with others. We take care of the rest!

How to offer a tour

Every tour on Polostour is the result of a collaboration between the guides and our team.

1. Send an application

It is important to us that the tour has a clear concept through which you share your view of the city.

2. Wait for a response

We will contact you, let you know if the tour is a good fit, and arrange a call.

3. Introductory call

Let’s call and discuss the main ideas, the content of the tour and the terms of cooperation.

4. Add a tour to the site

We will tailor the description so that the tour sells well and put the offer on the website.

Terms of Cooperation

Listing on the website is free of charge. We choose which excursions and guides to work with. We place only offers that meet the current demand and in the sales of which we believe.

We take 20% of the value of each order.

We put money into promotion and you are responsible for running the tours

Therefore, we can only work with guides who do not reject bookings and respond quickly to travelers.

How the work on the site is structured

You receive bookings from travelers through the website, we notify you about them by mail and SMS

You can’t exchange contacts before payment, but you can discuss all details in the correspondence to the order

Usually, independent travelers, families and small groups of friends go on excursions