Excursion to Krakow from Warsaw
Polostour > Tours > Warsaw > Excursion to Krakow from Warsaw

This trip is an opportunity to get to know cozy Krakow and perhaps the most original attraction of Poland in one day. You will spend three hours in Old Krakow: you will walk through the epochs of the city on the Royal Route, study the Mariacki Church in detail, touch the antiquity in the Market Square and plunge into the country’s past in the Wawel Castle. And in the second part of the tour, after lunch in a Polish restaurant, you will spend a few hours in the unforgettable Kazimierz neighborhood.

What to expect

Depart Warsaw by high-speed train around 7:00 (travel time 2 hours 20 minutes).

See and know Krakow in 3 hours
During this time you will have time to get acquainted with the main sights of the historical center, trace the path of the former Polish capital and discover curious facts about the inhabitants of old houses. So, our itinerary:

– The Royal Route – the path from the grand Florian Gate to the castle on Wawel Hill. You’ll hear the story of the Barbakan Tower, nicknamed “the pot” by the locals, and follow the medieval streets to the heart of the city.
– Market Square – in one of the largest market squares in Europe, you will enter the magnificent St. Mary’s Church. Hear the traditional melody of the trumpeter from the high tower and, with my help, study the altar of the fine work of Wit Stvoš. And then listen to stories about the inhabitants of the colorful houses on the square – from stories about False Dmitry and Marina Mnishek to the Italian architect Santi Gucci.
– Wawel Castle: on a hill on the banks of the Vistula River, you will get to know the symbol of Poland. Legends of dragons, true chronicles of the castle and the reign of Casimir the Great – the stories will reveal the eras of Wawel’s prosperity, decline and rebirth.

At the end of the sightseeing tour, the guide will take you to a restaurant where lunch with Polish cuisine awaits. Then we will continue our tour around the Kazimierz neighborhood.

The past and the atmosphere of the Jewish settlement
The walk will start from the origins of Kazimierz – on the main street of Sherok. Here you will see the Old Synagogue, the ritual bathhouse, retro restaurants and cafes. You’ll see the active Remu Synagogue and the oldest cemetery in Krakow. I will tell you when these objects appeared and which of the famous people inhabited the street. We will discuss how the first settlers lived and died, what rituals they followed and what their relations were with their Polish neighbors. You will walk by the church on Skalka, associated with the name of the first Polish saint, learn the legend of the ancient Isaac Synagogue and understand what Prague’s Charles Bridge has to do with it. You will get to the Volnica Square and hear its history.

The paths of Oskar Schindler and his workers
The Second World War left a deep wound on Kazimierz – on this walk you will experience how the war changed the life of the settlement. To do this, we will find the roads where German industrialist Oskar Schindler, who saved 1200 Jews during the Holocaust, set foot. We’ll talk about the movie Schindler’s List – it was the movie that made Kazimierz famous. I will reveal the secrets of filming: why Steven Spielberg undertook the adaptation of this story, why he chose certain locations, how large-scale scenes were created. Discussing the wartime, we will also touch upon the biography of Hans Frank. You will find out how he was remembered by the inhabitants of Kazimierz and how he treated the persecuted people.

After the end of the tour you take a high-speed train to Warsaw (arrival after 22.00).

Organizational details

Please check with your guide before booking if the tour will take place on the selected day

When booking the excursion, please indicate the name and surname of one of the excursion participants (as in the passport – in Latin) for the purchase of rail tickets.

How the tour goes

– Tour of the Old Town from 10:00 to 13:00
– From 13:00 to 15:00 – time for lunch.
– Tour of Kazimierz neighborhood starts at 15:00 and lasts for 2.5 hours. You will have about 2 hours free time before your train departure to Warsaw.
– Departure to Warsaw at 19.50, arrival in Warsaw after 22.00.

What is included in the price

– Transportation costs, tickets for high-speed train Warsaw – Krakow – Warsaw, lunch (soup + main course)

Meeting place
Start of the tour at the railway station in Warsaw. You will find out the exact meeting point immediately after booking.

  • Destination:Warsaw
  • PRICE :




